My grandmother would tell this story when she would rock us on her rocking chair, or when she would eat with us at dinner time, or on late nights when we would gather around her and beg her to tell us about my grandfather and all his adventures. It has been said that my grandmother has a great deal of power, Their is a story told by some of the her older kids, that my grandmother had gotten possessed by a Russian trapeze gymnast who had died in one of her shows. They say that she started speaking russian and bending back wards and doing flips, and she was not a very young when it happen so for a lady that has never in her life done a flip it freaked everyone, and the part about speaking russian well my grandmother has no knowledge that their is a place called Russia. She was doing all this trapeze acts and my grandfather was the only one that could bring her back. She also turned into one the Catholic Saints, but that one is hardly talked about. I guess i should start by sayen that my grandmother and grandfather knew each other since they were kids they use to live in a little sea cost town about 50 miles away from Catemaco called "El Real" they were sent out to look for water and they went out to a waterfall that was nearby, as they were walking they heard little laughter, and strange noises, as they were walking they could hear mischievous foot steps walking around them; walking up to the waterfall they noticed a little naked boy right in the middle of the small pool the waterfall right behind him, and right in the middle the little naked boy was pouring water on himself with a ( jica) this is a dish made out of a dried a fruit that grows on a tree, it's not to eat, its plant that when you cut it down you let the insides dry out and can be used to store water, or cut in half to make dishes or small pots to carry water in. Suddenly he notices his audience and starts calling them in whistling a little song and with his finger curling it towards him with an invitation to join him in the middle of the pool, normally it's the deepest part of the pool. They were quickly drawn in to go play with their new found friend when suddenly my grandfather said to my grandmother; this must be a chaneque we can't go and play with him, he will only takes us to drown us or take us to be his slave, the only way to get him to leave us alone is to call him Juan and start cursing at him to leave us alone. It's been said that a chaneque are to be considered dangerous and must curs at them to get them to leave you alone, so that is what they did, the little creature got so annoyed that he suddenly disappeared right before their eyes, just vanished, or as i like to say back to their 5th dimension.
I've never had an encounter like that, and sometimes i just can't believe it, but id like to; just makes this world a little bit more magical and dreamy. For those who have never seen fairy circles i can tell you that i have the site of them gives you a magical feeling inside. In my case it takes me back to feeling like a kid again especially if it has just rained the smell of green is magical, and yes green does have a smell it's automatic i look inside the crayon box and take out forest green and i swear to you i can smell a forest. I can't say that may-be some chaneques get bored of their life, and crave to live in our world, back then their was no t.v. no radio, i can imagine not wanting to be curious about humans or what they do, and may-be thats why they would mess with them, and provoke humans out sheer boredom, i would do the same, but as time went on and technology became more accessible to humans i can only imagine that chaneques would share the same kind of curiosity for human toys, when humans stop going into the woods, when they stopped going for walks to stay home and watch t.v. life as a chaneque could have gotten dull. I heard of a deal, that was made between a chaneque and a human. I suppose this was done out of rebellion just like humans sometimes just get bored of their life and wish they could locket up with their pleasures all to themselves. Chaneques are also known for having a love for stealing and specifically gold, in this one holds the power for open negotiation with a human who lives in a world were financial wealth is desired. This particular chaneque had a particular desire to leave his chaneque life behind, and wanting nothing more than to be able to smoke cigarets and drink and watch t.v. all day long. So he struck up a deal with a man in his town, he said to the man; I am tired of my chaneque life all i do is watch what humans do and guard the rain forest and make sure plants are green and growing i just want to sit on a couch and watch t.v. and smoke cigarets and drink alcohol ( all things not permitted in a chaneque world.) The man said to him what would i get in return, and how can i assure my safety around you? The chaneque replied to him; i will pay you with gold coins as many as you want for every week that you let me stay and get me cigarettes and booze, and at night you can lock me up in a cage to give me a sleeping area and i wont escape to do things at night, but during the day I want to watch t.v. and smoke, and drink and feel free of my chores. The man bravely and feeling sad for the little creature agreed and let him stay in his home. As time went buy the man began to leave the cage open and the little creature began to become a friend to the man and eventually would watch t.v. together, and learned to respect and coexists with one another.
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